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Join Us for EMAO Advocacy Day

OUCAN is proud to partner in the Economic Mobility Alliance Ohio and cohost it’s first Advocacy Day on Wednesday, March 19.

EMAO, formed last summer, is a collaborative dedicated to raising awareness and creating positive solutions to mitigate and eliminate benefits cliffs from public assistance programs and create a more seamless pathway to economic stability for all Ohioans.

EMAO’s 2025 Budget and Policy Priorities are:

1.      Creation of a refundable state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

2.      Expansion of eligibility for publicly funded child care up to 200% of the federal poverty level.

3.      Continuation and expansion of the Benefit Bridge Pilot Program

Register for Economic Mobility Advocacy Day to join us for a day of coordinated legislative meetings.

Join us for pre-training on Feb. 27 or March 6 from 2 to 3 p.m.

Register Today