For 40 years, Ohio’s urban community action agencies have been a leading resource in breaking the cycle of poverty in urban Ohio. OUCAN is proud to support the agencies that ensure urban Ohioans in need are treated with dignity and respect and have the resources to prosper in their every day lives.
The catalyst for creating the Ohio Urban Community Action Network in 1985 was to provide a voice for those who didn’t have a seat at the table. Our founders saw a need to support the agencies in the state who serve communities facing deep, generational and systemic issues.
Using a holistic, whole family approach, we serve everyone with dignity and respect. We serve the whole community from Head Start children to seniors on fixed incomes. And we’re not just serving the community, we are a part of it and have been for decades. Our unique connections provide the secret sauce that drives us to create successful opportunities for all Ohioans.
Poverty is a policy choice. No one deserves to be in poverty.
No one thinks poverty is going to happen to them. However, for many of us working in Community Action, poverty is part of our lived experience. That makes us passionate about helping others and allows us to connect to each other on a deeper level.
View our complete 2024 Annual Report by clicking here: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/340227533/2/
If you missed the Annual Meeting, you can enjoy the full recording by clicking here: https://youtu.be/EPPLSuYKkaQ
For nearly 40 years, OUCAN has used the strength of the pact to leverage funding and influence to spread assistance wider and deeper. We don’t do it alone and we know we will continue to fight with your support. Thank you.